We are delighted that we have a proactive parent council at Nonsuch Primary School. If you have any comments or questions about aspects of the school, feel free to raise them with your parent council rep, who will be able to bring them to the meeting each term. Action points and responses to points raised are shared in the next meeting, either later that term or the next term.
Our parent council representatives are:
Jenny Regan (Y6)
Heather Sprague (Y5)
Nandu Gadian (Y4)
Sheri Mackenzie (Y3)
Lizzie Peck (Y2)
Sian Fordham (Y1)
Jenny Regan (R?)
Vacant Position (N)
Chair - Nikki Willmott
Headteacher - Caroline Piper
Minutes - Parent Councilors on a rota. If you would like to volunteer to take minutes, please speak to Nicola Willmott or the School Office.
Minutes from our meetings:
Summer 2
Summer Term 1