'Parents and families have the most direct and lasting impact on children's learning and development of social competence. When parents are involved, students achieve more.'
We recognise the crucial role parents play in the education and development of their children. We believe that in order to ensure all our children make the best possible start to life, the school staff and parents must work in partnership.
This website has been designed in response to feedback from our parent body so that it ensures it is effective in supporting that link between home and school.
If you have any questions or comments about any aspect of the school, please don't hesitate to get in touch in any of the usual ways, or by filling in the quick form in the 'Contact us' section which is accessible at the bottom of every page.
Please select from the pages on the left or by clicking on the black arrow on the tabs above to navigate around our website.
At Nonsuch Primary School the safety and welfare of our children is of the utmost importance.
All adults must protect children from harm and abuse and be aware that any child may be at risk.
Everyone (including parents and carers) has a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of our children.
Heather Young is the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead and should be contacted (via the office) immediately with any concerns. Rachel Evans acts in this role in her absence.
Rachel Evans is the Designated Teacher for LAC and post-LAC (Looked after Children).
Jonathan Nicholas is the nominated safeguarding governor. Please click here to download our safeguarding policy.