Policies, Pupil Premium Strategy and PE and Sports Premium Strategy

Nonsuch Primary School seeks to foster warm, welcoming and respectful environments, which allow us to question and challenge discrimination and inequality, resolve conflicts peacefully and work and learn free from harassment and violence.

We recognise that there are similarities and differences between individuals and groups but we will strive to ensure that our differences do not become barriers to participation, access and learning and to create inclusive processes and practices, where the varying needs of individuals and groups are identified and met. We therefore cannot achieve equality for all by treating everyone the same. 

We will build on our similarities and seek enrichment from our differences and so promote understanding and learning between and towards others to create cohesive communities.

At Nonsuch Primary School we:
  • Strive to achieve equality of opportunity for all, adults and pupils.
  • Educate all about discrimination and prejudice and promote a harmonious environment.
  • Strive for all pupils to achieve the highest possible standards in their learning and make good progress.
  • Ensure that the appointment of staff is in line with equal opportunities legislation.
  • Ensure that the governing body of the school reflects that of the wider community.
  • Identify barriers to learning and participation to meet a diversity of needs.

 Policy Documents:

Admissions Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

Attendance Policy

Behaviour Policy

Behaviour Principles

Charging and Remissions Policy

Code of Conduct for Staff and Volunteers

Complaints Policy

(Complaints relating to SEN children can be found on page 13 of the SEN policy below)

Child Protection Policy

Educating children with Medical Needs who cannot Attend School Policy

Educational Visits Policy

Equalities Policy

Suspension and Exclusion Policy

EYFS Policy

Home Learning Policy

Intimate Care Policy

Music Development Plan

Online Safety Policy

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

PSHE and RSE Policy

SEN Policy

(For further information about our provision for children with special educational needs, please click here)

Social Media Code of Conduct

This code of conduct is guidance that the school has provided for all members of the school community to support and encourage our positive working relationships.

Sport Premium Funding

Whistleblowing Policy
