OfSTED and School Performance

We are very proud of our school and the progress and achievements of our children. Although a child's education goes far beyond just academic achievement, we are pleased that our school's data in attainment and progress reflects the excellent education all our children receive.


OfSTED last graded our school as 'Good'. Read our full report here.

School Performance

Please note, be careful if you Google 'Nonsuch Primary', as there is more than one Nonsuch Primary! (For reference, our URN is 102985)

Key data about our school can be found at the DfE's website by clicking here

Assessment Results from 2023

Please see the table below for the 2023 data results. 

GLD = Good level of deveopment for children in Reception. 

Y1 Phonics - refers to the phonics screening test.

Y2 - this was the final year in which Y2 are expected to sit tests for Reading and Maths, with the teacher assesing them for Writing and Science. 

Y6 - children in Y6 sit KS2 SATs (Standard Attainment Tests). The tests are designed to assess Reading, Maths and GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) with the teacher assessing them for Writing and Science. 

Greater Depth recongises those children who exceeded the age-related expectations. This is not awarded in Early Years, Phonics or Science.  



Year 6 average scaled scores: 

Reading: 110.5 (National avergae 105.1)

Maths: 110.0 (National average 104.2)

Year 6 progress scores: 

Reading: 1.97

Writing: -1.06

Maths 2.63

Reading, writing, maths combined

Percentage of Y6 pupils who achieved the expected standard or higher: 77% (National average 60%)

Percentage of Y6 pupils who achieved the higher standard: 20% (National average 8%)

