Our Vision

We Laugh, Learn, Persevere, Achieve.


Children are happy, well behaved and motivated to be the best they can be. They feel safe. They benefit from a broad range of opportunities for personal development and growth, empowering them to become independent, active, respectful citizens of the future.

We see this through:

Safeguarding , behaviour, attendance, environment, pupil voice, opportunities, trips, visitors, inclusion, wellbeing, personal independence.


We have an inspiring curriculum taught by enthusiastic, knowledgeable teachers and support staff  who are ambitious for all pupils. They have high expectations and use assessment effectively to plan for all pupils to confidently achieve their best. This takes place in a stimulating, fun and purposeful environment allowing pupils to develop independence.

We see this through:

Curriculum reviews, schemes of work, staff CPD, monitoring and assessment, displays, high expectations, environment development, collaboration.


All children at Nonsuch Primary are confident and enjoy school. They develop resilience so they are able to face challenges and take appropriate risks in their learning. We have a culture that celebrates achievement in all areas and encourages children to persevere when faced with challenges.

We see this through:

Mental health and well being, pupil groups, opportunities to be independent and resilient, outdoor learning, development of outdoor environment.


The leadership of the school values and supports staff through high expectations, professional development and good communication while sustaining financial stability for the future through innovative solutions. This provides outstanding teaching and learning across the school, improving outcomes for all children, preparing them for the next stage of their learning.

We see this through:

Performance management, policies, communication, aim for 90% of children achieving ARE in RWM&S, external review, staff development.
