
Learning is at the centre of all we do at Nonsuch. Whether the children are pushing boundaries in their learning in the classroom, achieving excellence on the sports field, searching for creepy crawlies in the garden or showcasing their talent in a musical performance, we are always striving to give all children the best learning opportunities possible.

At Nonsuch, whatever your learning style or level of understanding, we work tirelessly to cater for you. Please look through the pages in this section to discover a little bit more about the learning opportunities available at Nonsuch Primary School.


Teaching and Learning

Teaching strategies

Lesson organisation varies according to the subject or topic being taught. During the week children take part in whole class, group and individual work. Our staff are experts in deciding upon the most effective teaching strategies for the children in their class in order to achieve the objectives of the lesson. These might be in the classroom or somewhere else entirely, whether on the school premises or otherwise. Wherever a lesson takes place, the teaching strategies include:

  • teaching the whole class

  • working in groups

  • 'rotating' groups (where children move between a range of activities requiring different levels of teacher support)

  • individual work (when a child needs additional teacher/adult support to complete a task or extension work to develop particular skills or knowledge)

  • Self-discovery (where children are equipped to manage their own learning)

Children's learning

Children's understanding and skill development is continually assessed by the class teacher. This may be done through written work, drawing, speaking, observation, play and discussion.

These formative (informal) assessments help the teachers to plan follow-up, extension or consolidation activities for the children.

We also expect our children to engage in thinking about their own learning, assessing their strengths and weaknesses and setting themselves targets to work to achieve.
